Solen Inc. was the first inductor design company to introduce inductors made with Hepta-Litz conductor. Most of the time, until now, only one parameter was considered for designing crossover network inductors and that is d.c. winding resistance. The problem is that music is far from being d.c. and other non linear losses arise from a.c. frequency which can increase the a.c. winding resistance many times the d.c. value, even at audio frequency. Let us consider some of those losses.
As the frequency increase, additional power losses occur in the winding due to eddy currents in the conductors and by the magnetic fields within the winding. In the design of inductors both skin effect and proximity effect need to be considered. Both effects depend on the ratio of the conductor diameter to the penetration depth of the electrons.
Solen 是第一个将利兹线应用在电感的公司 . 至今大多数的时间 , 设计分音器电感时唯一考虑到的参数只有线圈的DC电阻 . 问题在改变音乐的因素 , AC电阻的非线性损耗上升远大于DC电阻 , 甚至于音频 , 让我们考虑到那些损耗.
如频率升高 , 线圈内会产生额外能量的损耗 , 那是由于导体内的涡电流及线圈内的磁埸 , 在设计电感时必须考虑集肤效应和邻近效应 . 这两种效应是否显着 , 取决于导体横截面尺寸与电磁波在导体中透入深度的比值 . |
Skin Effect 集肤效应 |
Skin effect is the tendency for the alternating current to flow near the surface of the conductor as the frequency increase. It is due to eddy currents in the conductor which arise from the alternating magnetic field associated with the current in the conductor itself.
导体中有交流电通过或者处于交变电磁场中时 , 由于电磁感应 , 使电流或磁通在导体中分布得不均匀 , 愈近表面处其电流密度或磁通密度愈大 . 频率越高 , 导体的电导率和磁导率越大 , 趋肤厚度就越小 , 这时祗要导体截面稍大 , 趋肤效应就会相当显着 . |
Proximity Effect 邻近效应 |
Proximity effect is the tendency for the alternating current to flow and return along the lenght of each conductor within the winding in such a way as to oppose the magnetic field of the winding as the frequency increase. It is due to the eddy currents in the conductor which arise from the alternating magnetic field interaction of the other conductors within the winding.
载有交流电的导体 , 其磁场会影响到与它相距较近的其他载流导体 , 使电流及磁通分布不均匀 , 使导体电阻加大 . |
Litz Conductor 利兹线导体 |
In order to minimize those losses, we have to replace the solid conductor with a number of separately insulated smaller conductors twisted together, the Litz conductor. The reduction of the conductor diameter along with the increase in the number of twisted insulated conductors which tends to occupy all possible positions in the cross section of the resulting conductor are very effective in reducing both effects. The smaller insulated conductors makes the current to divide uniformly between them thus reducing the skin effect losses. The twist of the smaller insulated conductors cancels the emf's induced by the traverse magnetic field thus reducing the proximity effect losses.
This design concept, Hepta-Litz which consist of 7 twisted insulated conductors, results in equalizing the a.c. resistance to d.c. resistance ratio in the usable audio frequency band which is establishing new standards in inductor quality. The Hepta-Litz Air Cored Inductors Perfect Layer Hexagonal Winding are a clean slate design, based on proven state-of-the-art technology which we have successfully transferred and merged to achieve superiority on all fronts. They will dramatically improve the performance of any loudspeaker by linearizing the inductor reactance curve to the ideal inductor reactance.
为了使损耗降到极低 , 我们用多支细小独立绝缘导体卷绕在一起编成 Litz导体来代替单股导体 . 使导体的横截面尺寸降低 , 将很有效的减低导体的集肤效应及应邻近效应 . 多支细小独立绝缘使电流隔离降低趋肤效应损耗,多支细小独立绝缘横越磁场 , 消除电磁场感应降低邻近效应损耗 .
这个 Hepta-Litz 设计概念 , 包含七股的隔离导体,平衡交流电阻与直流电阻比率 , 在音响界建立了电感品质的新标准. Hepta-Litz 空气芯电感精巧的六角型排列卷绕是前所未有的设计 , 依据数据的证实我们已经超越了以前的技术.戏剧性的改善了扬声器的性能 , 使电感阻抗曲线成为理想的线性电感阻抗 . |
L10 = 7 x .80 mm conductor's ? = 2.4 mm conductor ? = S12 = 2.0 mm conductor ? d.c. resistance L12 = 7 x .64 mm conductor's ? = 2.0 mm conductor ? = S14 = 1.6 mm conductor ? d.c. resistance L14 = 7 x .51 mm conductor's ? = 1.6 mm conductor ? = S16 = 1.3 mm conductor ? d.c. resistance L16 = 7 x .40 mm conductor's ? = 1.3 mm conductor ? = S18 = 1.0 mm conductor ? d.c. resistance |
Type 型式 : |
Air Cored Inductor. 空气芯电感 |
Conductors 传导体 : |
Pure Copper Seven Twisted Insulated Conductors. 七支无氧铜卷绕绝缘电感 |
Dielectric 电介质 : |
Red Polyurethane Polyamide Enamel. 红聚胺甲酸聚醯胺珐琅 |
Construction 构造 : |
Hollow Cylindrical Type, Radial Leads. 中空圆柱型同轴绕线 |
Winding 绕法 : |
Perfect Layer Hexagonal Self-Supporting Type. 六角型排列独立卷绕 |
Coating 涂层 : |
Varnish Dip With Four Black Nylon Ties. 人造纤维沾清漆浸制 |
Leads 引脚 : |
Pure Copper. 无氧铜 |
Inductance Range/Tolerance : |
电感范围 / 误差 | |
0.10 ... 30 mH, E 24 series, ±1%. (请参照详细规格) |
Conductor Material : |
导电材料 | |
99.99 % Purity Annealed Copper. 无氧铜 |
Electrical Conductivity : |
导电性 | |
101.5 %. |
Very Low 非常低 (参照详细规格) |
200 ppm on surface. 表面 |
Temperature Coefficient : |
温度系数 | |
0.00393 / oC. |
-55oC to +85oC. |
Insulation Temperature : |
绝缘温度 | |
130oC. |
Solderable Temperature : |
铬锡温度 | |
360oC. |
1000 VAC |
Total Conductor Diameter : |
导体总体直径 | |
L16 = 1.3, L14 = 1.6, L12 = 2.0, L10 = 2.4 mm? |
Conductors Number/Diameter : |
导体数量 / 直径 | |
L16 = 7 x .40, L14 = 7 x .51, L12 = 7 x .64, L10 = 7 x .80 mm? |
L16 = 27, L14 = 18, L12 = 12, L10 = 8 KHz |
Skin Effect Rac = Rdc+10% : | |
L16 = 100, L14 = 70, L12 = 45, L10 = 30 KHz |
Winding Space Factor : |
卷绕空间比率 | |
L16 = 86, L14 = 87, L12 = 88, L10 = 89 % |
FEATURE 电导特性 |
Integral Wheeler Formula Application. 完整可靠的圆式应用 |
Computer Optimized Inductor Dimension. 电脑最有效化的电感空间 |
Ultra Linear AC Resistance 超线性交流电阻 |
Linear Phase Angle between Current and Voltage. 电流及电压线性相位角 |
Linear and Stable High Frequency Characteristics. 稳定的线性高频特性 |
Very Low Magnetostriction Distortion. 极低的磁致伸缩失真 |
Constant Inductance with Voltage Variation. 电感量不受电压不稳定所影响 |
Constant Inductance with Current Variation. 电感量不受电流不稳定所影响 |
No Saturation Distortion. 无饱和失真 |
No Hysteresis Distortion. 无磁滞失真 |
Very High Quality Factor. 高Q值因数 |
Very Low Skin Effect Losses. 极低的集肤效应损耗 |
Very Low Proximity Effect Losses. 极低的邻近效应损耗 |
Low A.C. Resistance. 极低的交流电阻 |
Low D.C. resistance. 极低的直流电阻 |
Low Self Capacitance. 低自生电容 |

AC/DC Resistance (Ohms)±5%
Dimensions (mm)±10%
L16 1.21 mm ?(7 x .40 mm) L14 1.53 mm ?(7 x .51 mm) L12 1.93 mm ?(7 x .64 mm)
16 AWG (7 x 26 AWG) 14 AWG (7 x 24 AWG) 12 AWG (7 x 22 AWG)
P/N Inductance/DCR LxdxD P/N Inductance/DCR LxdxD P/N Inductance/DCR LxdxD
----------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------
L16.10 .10 mH .12 11x22x45
L16.11 .11 mH .13 11x22x45
L16.12 .12 mH .14 11x22x45
L16.13 .13 mH .15 11x22x45
L16.15 .15 mH .16 11x22x45
----------------------------- ----------------------------- -----------------------------
L16.16 .16 mH .16 13x25x51 L14.16 .16 mH .11 14x29x57
L16.18 .18 mH .17 13x25x51 L14.18 .18 mH .11 14x29x57
L16.20 .20 mH .18 13x25x51 L14.20 .20 mH .12 14x29x57
L16.22 .22 mH .19 13x25x51 L14.22 .22 mH .13 14x29x57
L16.24 .24 mH .21 13x25x51 L14.24 .24 mH .14 14x29x57
L16.27 .27 mH .22 13x25x51 L14.27 .27 mH .15 14x29x57
L16.30 .30 mH .24 13x25x51 L14.30 .30 mH .16 14x29x57
----------------------------- ----------------------------- -----------------------------
L16.33 .33 mH .26 14x29x57 L14.33 .33 mH .16 16x32x64 L12.33 .33 mH .10 19x38x76
L16.36 .36 mH .27 14x29x57 L14.36 .36 mH .17 16x32x64 L12.36 .36 mH .11 19x38x76
L16.39 .39 mH .28 14x29x57 L14.39 .39 mH .18 16x32x64 L12.39 .39 mH .12 19x38x76
L16.43 .43 mH .29 14x29x57 L14.43 .43 mH .19 16x32x64 L12.43 .43 mH .12 19x38x76
L16.47 .47 mH .31 14x29x57 L14.47 .47 mH .21 16x32x64 L12.47 .47 mH .13 19x38x76
L16.51 .51 mH .33 14x29x57 L14.51 .51 mH .22 16x32x64 L12.51 .51 mH .14 19x38x76
L16.56 .56 mH .35 14x29x57 L14.56 .56 mH .23 16x32x64 L12.56 .56 mH .15 19x38x76
L16.62 .62 mH .36 14x29x57 L14.62 .62 mH .24 16x32x64 L12.62 .62 mH .16 19x38x76
----------------------------- ----------------------------- -----------------------------
L16.68 .68 mH .38 16x32x64 L14.68 .68 mH .25 19x38x76 L12.68 .68 mH .17 22x45x89
L16.75 .75 mH .40 16x32x64 L14.75 .75 mH .27 19x38x76 L12.75 .75 mH .18 22x45x89
L16.82 .82 mH .43 16x32x64 L14.82 .82 mH .28 19x38x76 L12.82 .82 mH .19 22x45x89
L16.91 .91 mH .45 16x32x64 L14.91 .91 mH .30 19x38x76 L12.91 .91 mH .20 22x45x89
L161.0 1.0 mH .47 16x32x64 L141.0 1.0 mH .31 19x38x76 L121.0 1.0 mH .21 22x45x89
L161.1 1.1 mH .50 16x32x64 L141.1 1.1 mH .33 19x38x76 L121.1 1.1 mH .23 22x45x89
L161.2 1.2 mH .54 16x32x64 L141.2 1.2 mH .35 19x38x76 L121.2 1.2 mH .24 22x45x89
L161.3 1.3 mH .57 16x32x64 L141.3 1.3 mH .38 19x38x76 L121.3 1.3 mH .26 22x45x89
L161.5 1.5 mH .60 16x32x64 L141.5 1.5 mH .41 19x38x76 L121.5 1.5 mH .28 22x45x89
============================= ----------------------------- ------------------------------
L161.6 1.6 mH .63 19x38x76 L141.6 1.6 mH .44 22x45x89 L121.6 1.6 mH .29 25x51x102
L161.8 1.8 mH .68 19x38x76 L141.8 1.8 mH .46 22x45x89 L121.8 1.8 mH .30 25x51x102
L162.0 2.0 mH .70 19x38x76 L142.0 2.0 mH .48 22x45x89 L122.0 2.0 mH .31 25x51x102
L162.2 2.2 mH .76 19x38x76 L142.2 2.2 mH .52 22x45x89 L122.2 2.2 mH .33 25x51x102
L162.4 2.4 mH .81 19x38x76 L142.4 2.4 mH .56 22x45x89 L122.4 2.4 mH .36 25x51x102
L162.7 2.7 mH .87 19x38x76 L142.7 2.7 mH .60 22x45x89 L122.7 2.7 mH .39 25x51x102
L163.0 3.0 mH .93 19x38x76 L143.0 3.0 mH .63 22x45x89 L123.0 3.0 mH .42 25x51x102
----------------------------- ============================== ------------------------------
L163.3 3.3 mH .98 22x45x89 L143.3 3.3 mH .66 25x51x102 L123.3 3.3 mH .45 32x64x127
L163.6 3.6 mH 1.03 22x45x89 L143.6 3.6 mH .70 25x51x102 L123.6 3.6 mH .47 32x64x127
L163.9 3.9 mH 1.09 22x45x89 L143.9 3.9 mH .73 25x51x102 L123.9 3.9 mH .49 32x64x127
L164.3 4.3 mH 1.15 22x45x89 L144.3 4.3 mH .77 25x51x102 L124.3 4.3 mH .52 32x64x127
L164.7 4.7 mH 1.22 22x45x89 L144.7 4.7 mH .82 25x51x102 L124.7 4.7 mH .56 32x64x127
L165.1 5.1 mH 1.29 22x45x89 L145.1 5.1 mH .86 25x51x102 L125.1 5.1 mH .59 32x64x127
L165.6 5.6 mH 1.36 22x45x89 L145.6 5.6 mH .91 25x51x102 L125.6 5.6 mH .63 32x64x127
L166.2 6.2 mH 1.43 22x45x89 L146.2 6.2 mH .96 32x64x127 L126.2 6.2 mH .67 32x64x127
----------------------------- ------------------------------ ==============================
L166.8 6.8 mH 1.51 25x51x102 L146.8 6.8 mH 1.01 32x64x127 L126.8 6.8 mH .71 38x76x152
L167.5 7.5 mH 1.59 25x51x102 L147.5 7.5 mH 1.07 32x64x127 L127.5 7.5 mH .75 38x76x152
L168.2 8.2 mH 1.67 25x51x102 L148.2 8.2 mH 1.12 32x64x127 L128.2 8.2 mH .79 38x76x152
L169.1 9.1 mH 1.75 25x51x102 L149.1 9.1 mH 1.18 32x64x127 L129.1 9.1 mH .83 38x76x152
L1610 10 mH 1.84 25x51x102 L1410 10 mH 1.24 32x64x127 L1210 10 mH .87 38x76x152
L1611 11 mH 1.98 25x51x102 L1411 11 mH 1.38 32x64x127 L1211 11 mH .96 38x76x152
L1612 12 mH 2.12 25x51x102 L1412 12 mH 1.52 32x64x127 L1212 12 mH 1.03 38x76x152
L1613 13 mH 2.27 25x51x102 L1413 13 mH 1.66 32x64x127 L1213 13 mH 1.11 38x76x152
L1615 15 mH 2.42 25x51x102 L1415 15 mH 1.70 32x64x127 L1215 15 mH 1.17 38x76x152
----------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------
L1416 16 mH 1.79 38x76x152 L1216 16 mH 1.24 45x89x178
L1418 18 mH 1.88 38x76x152 L1218 18 mH 1.29 45x89x178
L1420 20 mH 1.97 38x76x152 L1220 20 mH 1.35 45x89x178
L1422 22 mH 2.07 38x76x152 L1222 22 mH 1.44 45x89x178
L1424 24 mH 2.17 38x76x152 L1224 24 mH 1.53 45x89x178
L1427 27 mH 2.27 38x76x152 L1227 27 mH 1.62 45x89x178
L1430 30 mH 2.37 38x76x152 L1230 30 mH 1.71 45x89x178
----------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------
L10 2.40 mm ?(7 x 0.80 mm)
10 AWG (7 x 20 AWG)
P/N Inductance/DCR LxdxD
L10.68 .68 mH .11 25x51x102
L10.75 .75 mH .12 25x51x102
L10.82 .82 mH .12 25x51x102
L10.91 .91 mH .13 25x51x102
L101.0 1.0 mH .14 25x51x102
L101.1 1.1 mH .15 25x51x102
L101.2 1.2 mH .16 25x51x102
L101.3 1.3 mH .17 25x51x102
L101.5 1.5 mH .19 25x51x102
L101.6 1.6 mH .20 32x64x127
L101.8 1.8 mH .21 32x64x127
L102.0 2.0 mH .22 32x64x127
L102.2 2.2 mH .24 32x64x127
L102.4 2.4 mH .26 32x64x127
L102.7 2.7 mH .28 32x64x127
L103.0 3.0 mH .30 32x64x127
L103.3 3.3 mH .32 38x76x152
L103.6 3.6 mH .34 38x76x152
L103.9 3.9 mH .35 38x76x152
L104.3 4.3 mH .37 38x76x152
L104.7 4.7 mH .40 38x76x152
L105.1 5.1 mH .42 38x76x152
L105.6 5.6 mH .45 38x76x152
L106.2 6.2 mH .47 38x76x152
L106.8 6.8 mH .49 45x89x178
L107.5 7.5 mH .52 45x89x178
L108.2 8.2 mH .54 45x89x178
L109.1 9.1 mH .57 45x89x178
L1010 10 mH .60 45x89x178
L1011 11 mH .65 45x89x178
L1012 12 mH .70 45x89x178
L1013 13 mH .75 45x89x178
L1015 15 mH .79 45x89x178
L1016 16 mH .83 51x102x204
L1018 18 mH .88 51x102x204
L1020 20 mH .92 51x102x204
L1022 22 mH .99 51x102x204
L1024 24 mH 1.06 51x102x204
L1027 27 mH 1.13 51x102x204
L1030 30 mH 1.20 51x102x204
Maximum recommended d.c. resistance for series inductors for 8 ohms load: 0.6 Ohms total.
Maximum recommended d.c. resistance for parallel inductors for 8 ohms load: 1.2 Ohms. |